Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring has arrived

My husband taught in our adult Sunday school class a few weeks ago and during his lesson he mentioned how the changes of the seasons sometimes reflect the changes that seem to take shape in our walk with God. How as spring arrives the flowers start blooming, the birds start chirping and the sound and smell of a new beginning is here. It seems like we as believers have a renewed thirst for God. We start trying to do our devotions more regularly and be more active in evangelism and just seem more desirous for the things of God afresh.

From what I am experiencing in my own life and from what I am hearing from others, God is drawing us closer to Him. It is like He is giving us a new song and a fresh start.

Let the sacrifice and love of the cross fill you up again this Easter.


  1. Oh I love spring! But I think over here in Arizona my favorite season has to be Winter!!! LOL Its great cause we NEVER even get snow and the weather is ACTUALLY decent!!! LOL

  2. Schnazzy!!! I love the comment in your profile about Daniella squeezing Benji and shedding her energy - that explains her very well! Love ya!

  3. Wow.... Nice Blog Sis. Cant wait to read more of these deep thoughts and see a bunch of pictures. Love you and Glad to see where God has been taking you all.

  4. It's good to see you on here!!! Y'all need to come down to good ol' Ozark and preach for us :) Tim did an incredible job the 3 (I think 3 ???) weekends he was here. God is DEFINITELY moving in Ozark right now !!! Hopefully I'll get to see you in person soon, lol It's been FOREVER. By the way, your kids are beautiful !
